
With a true passion for photography, Jordan aims to uplift the local photography standard.

Jordan Pavey - Gold Coast Photographer and Videographer.

Gold Coast Photographer, Jordan Pavey.

It all started, after an injury which prohibited Jordan’s ability to walk for 6 months. Having most of his regular hobbies stripped away and becoming more restricted to his home, his brother pushed him towards photography by giving him an old camera. Immediately, the camera gave Jordan a fresh perspective on the place he knew best, becoming enthused in capturing insects and spiders in his home garden. However, it wasn’t long after that his subject expanded beyond animal life and became a way for Jordan to connect with people, places and things, during a time where physically this was made difficult. If a hand-me-down camera could put Jordan’s vision in focus, then, for others he wants to do the same (to clarify, equipment has been upgraded from the hand-me-down camera). Understanding first-hand the power of this medium, Jordan strives to produce work that matters, with a positive and transformational impact on society no matter what scale that be. Always finding a deep connection to his subject, Jordan is eager to continue working and collaborating with all kinds of people, capturing all kinds of life. If your eyes are still hungry, check out Jordan’s portfolio for a snack. It will most definitely leave them feeling a good kind of full.

Photography Gigs

Meet our team

  • Jordan Pavey

    Jordan Pavey

    Lead Photographer

  • Brendan Pavey

    Brendan Pavey

    Lead Videographer

Got a Question?

I'm always more than happy to chat and answer any questions.
